Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 24 13:21:59 EDT 2018 | babe7362000
What do others use as far as solder paste type, stencil thickness and aperature size for a .4mm Ball Pitch CSP. Ball diameter is .3mm. Please let me know your thoughts or what you use. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 20 13:01:26 EST 2004 | Jay
First, it depends on the alloy composition of the solder. As you might know, eutectic Sn/Pb solder has the lowest melting point among available conventional solder systems. (except those based on Sn-In and Sn-Bi systems.) For example, 63Sn/37Pb - 183
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 13 11:46:23 EST 2004 | Jack
Is your customer trying to reduce voiding? If the device is using Sn90 / Pb10 and the paste is Sn63/Pb37 the board will melt first. However, if both solders are 183C eutectic, it's a tossup? PCB design, copper weight, bga type (pbga, micro bga, Tbg
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 04:52:13 EST 2004 | John W
There's normally a number of reasons people want to know what melts 1st, 1 - to see if you know, 2 voiding issues - whole can of worms 3 device alignment. One of our collegues has said that most balls are Eutectic, that's in fact not totally correct.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 30 13:06:10 EDT 2018 | emeto
I don't know your board, but for this specific part: 10mil round aperture on a 3.5mil stencil with type 4 paste wold be ideal
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 28 21:16:17 EST 2006 | davef
J Rose at EMPF says: The introduction of no-clean solder fluxes in electronics manufacturing has given rise to greater levels of solder balling simply because the opportunity to remove them in the wash process does not exist. They are typically cause
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 19 11:36:39 EST 2001 | billschreiber
Hello Mark, I wish it were that simple so I could direct you to a particular manufacturer and stencil cleaner model. Unfortunately, there are several issues complicating the process of cleaning all these applications in one machine. First and fore
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 08 14:19:30 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
Earl, et al, Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior problem and I thought I could drop something completely different in the same message and tell a tale of solder balls. First the caps. We still have
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 08:32:47 EDT 2007 | davef
Haris: On your soldering issues, we don't know the make-up of your component. We don't know the type solder balls on the component. We don't know the solder paste you plan to use. Your component and paste supplier are better sources for this type o
Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 09:52:34 EDT 2021 | winston_one
Want to update this question a little, I know it appears few years ago, but I hope there is some updates... We have to assembly few samples of motherboards with this kind of finish (customer mistake during pcb order). Normally we can use leaded sold