Electronics Forum: solder and printing and flex (Page 1 of 12)

Conductive Adhesives and Underfill used on flex ckt

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 11 20:26:54 EST 1999 | Chris G.

I have used conductive adhesives for some time now on thickfilm. Does anyone know of a really good conductive adhesive to attach flip chips to flex circuits? I would like to stencil print the adhesive to the substrate and then place the flips chips

Re: Conductive Adhesives and Underfill used on flex ckt

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 15:02:12 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| I have used conductive adhesives for some time now on thickfilm. Does anyone know of a really good conductive adhesive to attach flip chips to flex circuits? I would like to stencil print the adhesive to the substrate and then place the flips chi

Re: Conductive Adhesives and Underfill used on flex ckt

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 15:04:40 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| I have used conductive adhesives for some time now on thickfilm. Does anyone know of a really good conductive adhesive to attach flip chips to flex circuits? I would like to stencil print the adhesive to the substrate and then place the flips chi

Volume and average height of solder paste after printing machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 02 17:00:44 EDT 2008 | davef

Is that accurate? If so, what are your aspect & area ratios? [Similar to the JerryS comment above.] * You say, � � and the average height is very high: nearly 200 pct.� => Our troop can make paste that height too. They snap the stencil-off a fast as

Volume and average height of solder paste after printing machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 02 01:47:57 EDT 2008 | myleb

I'm new to SMT. Now, i'm making program for SPI machine to inscpect for solder paste of SP60-MU. I think this is a very good printer but some times, my program shows only 50-60% of volume transfer; and the average height is very high: nearly 200 pct.

Volume and average height of solder paste after printing machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 02 12:22:26 EDT 2008 | JerryS

Hello Ok there is not much info here. What you have to mae sure of is several key factors. 1. Have you entered the correct stencil thickness. 2. Are you using the stencil gerber (not the paste layer) The paste layer is usually not adjusted for ap

Differences between screen and stencil printing

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 15:00:20 EST 2004 | glaucon

Simple differences. Both processes require a very similar machine platform, controlled motion, vision fiducial recognition and alignment of a substrate (PCB or hybrid ceramic) to the "image", the image being either a stencil (hence stencil printing)

Epoxy printing and wave soldering on 0603 and 0402 components

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 12 21:05:06 EDT 1999 | karlin

Hi, I need some urgent informations on stencil design guidelines on how to perform epoxy printing on 0603 and 0402 components. Could anyone help? ( Reflow process is not possible because of some other constriants) Secondly, I need also facing a lo

Palladium finish and solder balls

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 27 11:22:03 EDT 2002 | robbied

Hi there. We have had an out of control reflow oven that has allowed its temperature to fluctuate by up to +/- 20 deg C from set point in very short periods of time. We found the root cause of the problem and fixed it, but by then we had already run

Re: Epoxy printing and wave soldering on 0603 and 0402 components

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 12 21:40:56 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| Hi, | | I need some urgent informations on stencil design guidelines on how to perform epoxy printing on 0603 and 0402 components. Could anyone help? ( Reflow process is not possible because of some other constriants) | | Secondly, I need also f

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