Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 12:22:08 EDT 2001 | Kevin
Cal, There are several suppliers of cover tape materials that do not require heat to activate the adhesive. 3M and Advantek are likely the leaders. There are relatively few T&R machines that can handle both heat and non-heat applications - as Chri
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 05 21:33:12 EDT 2002 | davef
Tough to say based on what you have told us. Things to Determine are: * Is the heat at the solder connections that are not reflowing properly adequate? * Is the pad surface of the solder connections that are not reflowing properly solderable?
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 25 13:38:35 EDT 2002 | finepitch
Yannick, If we leave the 201 issue aside; have you checked where those BGA pads are connected to? Could those be power/ground balls connected to large (difficult to heat up) planes by any chance? Erhan
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 11 13:37:35 EDT 2001 | Stefan
The pressure sensitive tape is used as an alternative to heat sealed cover tape. It works usually quite well and is easily applied by the taping machine, but it can create some problems in the tape feeder. In the Surftape, Cal is referring to, the c
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 06 05:33:47 EDT 2001 | spchua
I had recently encounter the "black and grey" pads problems for the BGA pad after the convection re-flow. The pads shows in in "black and grey" color and a litter solder in it, and it happen in ramdom, when applied heat and solder on the "black and g
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 10:34:28 EDT 2005 | dougs
how do you do it stephen? i'm interested to know what methods can be used to monitor a process such as this. is it best to set-up the wave machine parameters as russ and davef were talking about, what then, how do we know what effect a change in
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 22 17:39:58 EDT 2021 | proceng1
We do use a company for custom fixtures, but we also make some in house. The biggest hurdle for a board that requires a fixture to go through printing and SMT is that the board has to be the tallest thing. So any hold downs or locating hardware has
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 25 10:56:27 EDT 2002 | xrayhipp
Yeah, perhaps lean more towards a ramp-to-spike profile - reducing the soak time and add a littel heat to your temp above liquid. This has worked for us with water soluable paste as we are not required to use no-clean and utilizing a 6-zone oven. G
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 03:29:52 EDT 2005 | dougs
thomas, why isn't it process control, you cant just think that because you've set up your machine properly ( pot temp, wave height, pre-heat etc etc )that everything is going to be ok, there are other factors that you wont find with wave riders or
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 20 04:43:36 EST 2006 | greg york
Any decent flux would volatise off with the heat of the wave unless absorbed into the solder mask. Test this by trying to clean in alcohol or common solvent aerosol, if it does not clean then it is probably Mineral Salts from solder mask fillers. Ano