Electronics Forum: stan (Page 1 of 2)

Re: Robot

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 05 09:04:21 EST 2000 | CAL

Stein Automation and/or Cyclone Automation (SAME contact information) Stan Pollack 440-498-8244 Cal

suggest you move Stan Frul's posting

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 13:08:19 EDT 1999 | John Thorup


Re: suggest you move Stan Frul's posting

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 13:50:58 EDT 1999 | Cunli Jia

Thanks. Will do so. Cunli

Re: Thermal testing

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 11:29:50 EDT 1999 | Matt Stump

| Hi | Could anyone tell me where i can find information, in the literature or on the Web, concerning measurements of temperature distribution, expansion, stresses in the substrate and heat sink and on the interface between them, that is all the rang

Re: suggest you move Stan Frul's posting

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 22:57:10 EDT 1999 | Cunli

Tom, Stan had posted a technical message to this Admin section. It has been moved to the SMT Forum per John's suggestion. If you are inviting SMTnet viewers to call you, please kindly state the reason they should do so, but it can not be for a com

Thermal testing

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 13:56:56 EDT 1999 | Stan Frul

Hi Could anyone tell me where i can find information, in the literature or on the Web, concerning measurements of temperature distribution, expansion, stresses in the substrate and heat sink and on the interface between them, that is all the range of

Re: suggest you move Stan Frul's posting

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 16:56:01 EDT 1999 | Focus Enterprises

| xx | what is all this - if someone is reading this please call me at 800-536-2844 Tom Thomas Tx

Tescon Point 501 Pick & Place

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 19 17:33:41 EDT 2006 | Stan Harrison

Hello, Tom Miyamoto of Teson at 256 603 7711 could help you. Please mention my name. If you are interested in selling this or a similar machine, I may be interested. Thanks, Stan Harrison

Re: differentiation for board handling equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 01 11:08:13 EST 2000 | CAL

the same differences that seperate Cadillac and BMW's in the auto world. Lines, look, performance, convienence, sound. A conveyor with wires, hoses, loud solenoids, are undesireable. Stien Automation/ Cyclone Automation Have a Newly released conveyor

Portable Cooling

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 08:47:34 EDT 2003 | caldon

Stan- One of our buildings (not our SMT line or components) Has Great Aircondition but can not regulate the humidity. The building is cool but Wet (No need to lick envelopes as they are already stuck together) from humidity. We went out and found th

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