3 statistica results

Electronics Forum: statistica (Page 1 of 1)

DOE Software

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 13:09:12 EDT 2007 | Mag10

Does anyone have experience with DOE software? I see quite a number of them in the market like MiniTab, STATISTICA, Stat-Ease, etc... Which one would you recommend for Manufacturing process improvement study? Thanks for your feedback.

Re: SPC?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 18:24:36 EDT 2000 | Dave F

James: Here's a starting point: 1 www.wwnet.net/~rkroy/wp-inb.html 2 www.sas.com/otherprods/jmp/Home.html 3 www.micromeg.com/ 4 Boeing SQC (avail. from Boeing for $100) is a good little package for DOS machines. 5 For Windows, SPC KISS from Air Aca

DOE Software

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 29 09:19:28 EDT 2007 | davef

For people with a statistics background, using Minitab, SAS, Statgraphics, or Statistica is easy. However, for many others it is not so easy. Amoung, DOE software packages compatible with Microsoft Excel are: SPX XL [$250], DOE KISS [$150], DOE PRO


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