Electronics Forum | Wed May 02 13:42:54 EDT 2001 | pzohbon
Does anyone know of any interchangeable stencil frame systems? We use Alpha's Metals Smart Frame system,but it is heavy and cumbersome. Also, are there any quality issues that prove the interchangeable system is not as repeatable as the permanently
Electronics Forum | Thu May 03 12:20:18 EDT 2001 | pzohbon
Thanks for the help! Do you happen to know a good bandaid manufacturer?
Electronics Forum | Thu May 03 16:44:42 EDT 2001 | davef
I'll leave that to others, but this is far more interesting ... http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/aug2000/965825243.Ph.q.html
Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 17:06:28 EDT 2001 | mparker
Kapton tape is anti-static, that's why we use it so much in this industry. If you are seeing yellow light, either whatever you are pulling ain't Kapton, your Viagra is stale or whatever you had for lunch, I want a double!
Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 19:43:40 EDT 2001 | mparker
I recognized the spoof. Where the heck does he find those links anyway? We only use the low static dissapative stuff around here. But I have heard that Viagra promotes a blue tinge to eyesight. How come your seeing yellow?
Electronics Forum | Sat May 05 10:18:38 EDT 2001 | johnthor
yeah, we use the low static stuff too... except when the purchasing assistant did the company a "favor" and sought out something cheaper. Those times you want a big stick! The color confusion is because of the rose colored glasses that I wear. Joh
Electronics Forum | Thu May 03 18:40:34 EDT 2001 | pzohbon
We produce a board right now with a QFP that has 20 mil pitch and we are seeing problems with the solder deposition. I believe it to be a cleaning issue which we are addressing. Soon we will be pasting for bga's. Is there a problem with using inter
Electronics Forum | Thu May 03 18:13:40 EDT 2001 | johnthor
what are these kids doing in the dark with band-aids anyway? I'll bet you could get the same effect with Kapton tape (maybe yellow light?) Seriously, I use the IIT proframe Dave mentions down to 25 mil but have gone back to a permanently mounted foil
Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 12:28:12 EDT 2001 | slthomas
We have had some success printing 20mil pitch with our IIT Proframe. It takes some babysitting, and you don't want your operators to be changing these things out every hour or you'll be buying lots of them. Pulling tension in one direction gives r
Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 18:55:49 EDT 2001 | johnthor
actually the "yellow lite" part of my posting was simply spoofing Dave's light up band-aid wrappers. But seriously (again) most high temperature Kapton polyimide film tapes, like 3M #92 and #1205, develop a considerable charge when unrolled or remov