Electronics Forum: stencil aperture 0201 component (Page 1 of 37)

Tombstoning 0201

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 07:27:50 EDT 2021 | denism

There may also be a problem with the a thermoprofile. Measure the temperature of both contacts of the component, if they heat up not evenly and the soldered lead heats up faster, then the problem is in the profile. To solve the problem of misalignmen

0402 pad and stencil aperture design

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 30 22:29:58 EDT 2008 | davef

For most applications, a nice square [or rectangle] pad works just fine. Assemblers ship boat loads of boards with these every day. It's reasonable for tight decoupling capacitor requirement applications to use round or radiused pads for components

0201 (0603) stencil spec

Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 08:16:58 EDT 2014 | emeto

It really depends on pad design and other component on the PCB. Most of the time I run 0201s I have microBGAs on the board and usually print 3mil. Reduction will depend on the paste. For leaded paste you will have reduction (about 10% or so).For Lea

Stencil aperture positional accuracy

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 21:48:41 EDT 2012 | kmots15

We work with a lot of larger boards over 24", haven't run into this issue yet. I agree with scott could be your board supplier if they are lower quality, from something as simple as unit conversions in CAD to dealing with different temperatures. A

0402 aperture design lf

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 09:13:41 EDT 2007 | aj

Hi all, What stencil aperture designs do you use for 0402 components? Thanks in advance for replies. aj...

Stencil aperture positional accuracy

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 06:13:47 EDT 2012 | ccgooi

I am running a product with board size ~18"X16". I faced stencil aperture positional accuracy issue which slightly shifted at both end of stencil at positive and negative in X direction thus causing solder paste to pad mis-registration. Due to this s

Stencil aperture positional accuracy

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 15 18:22:49 EDT 2012 | stentech

Our lasers are accurate to +/- approx. 5 microns over 20 "X-Y. I have seen boards 18 x 24 stretch 7mils. I would agree with others, the only way is to send a board to you stencil vendor so they can edit the file to match the board. This is very commo

Home plate aperture holes

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 13 19:08:55 EDT 2001 | mparker

Home plate apertures are designed to reduce or eliminate solder balls that occur when placing a chip and reflow of the solder. This aperture type is usually desired when processing with a "no-clean" solder paste. The design of the aperture is usually

Re: 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 10:25:37 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| I'm hoping to use 0201 caps and resistors in a new design but so far have only found one company who makes such small devices (Murato). | | Can anyone direct me to any other supplier? | | Are there any particular problems associated with using s

Re: 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 19:01:39 EDT 1999 | DGrenier

| | I'm hoping to use 0201 caps and resistors in a new design but so far have only found one company who makes such small devices (Murato). | | | | Can anyone direct me to any other supplier? | | | | Are there any particular problems associated wi

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