Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 28 22:27:00 EST 2021 | emeto
Nowadays is not a big deal to cut step stencils. Stencil houses charge you around 100USD per step in addition to your regular price. Some places are welding the step area with a very small clearance and I have to say mostly it is pretty accurate. In
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 27 02:07:25 EST 2021 | davef
IPC-7525 does a good job of giving guidelines for designing stencils, including stepped stencils
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 09:01:34 EST 2021 | denism
The main feature of the step on the stencil is the excess of paste on adjacent components. Clearance between step and fine pitch components must be at least 10 mm. Might better try over printing?
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 22:57:32 EST 2021 | pnguyvu
Hello Charliem, Contact Steve Yen ( Steve@usastencils.com )at USA STENICLS INC. He'll give you better idea overprint or step . He has solid experience in design smt stencil. We've been receiving very good stencil from Steve.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 26 16:29:48 EST 2021 | charliedci
We will be exploring the exciting world of step stencils for the first time and I am looking for any advice from anyone using regularly. This direction is because we have large caps and soldered standoffs along with medium pitch LGA's and QFP's on sa
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 05 02:40:40 EST 2021 | victorzubashev
For components with the large pads, you can also use secondary soldering dispensing. Some printers like DEK have an option to mount a syringe with an auger valve to do dispensing after the printing step process. Obviously will not work if you have to
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 21 09:36:50 EDT 2015 | esoderberg
Looking for better design information than is contained in IPC 7525A. Specifically the minimum trough width and length of the step to achieve the necessary paste reduction.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 16:44:11 EDT 2015 | esoderberg
I have that article. While some of the information is helpful, there is no direction as to the length and width of the step to achieve blade deflection to reduce paste.
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 22 16:16:13 EDT 2015 | davef
Comments are: * Read “Challenges for Step Stencil Printing” [Carmina Lantzsch, Georg Kleemann, LaserJob GmbH] http://www.smtnet.com/library/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_article&article_id=2096 * I want to say that IPC7525B [Oct 2011] improved the dis
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 14:03:01 EDT 2022 | emeto
Would advice to mask only for trial. Cut the proper stencils is the solution.