Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 11:52:28 EDT 2020 | inspiredmorris20
Hello Jon, I appreciate your reply, correct there are 2 red (24v) that control the main power and 2 blue (they control the power to the units operation keys ready, start, stop, reset, change feeders.) additionally there is a red jumper wire on the E
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 17:47:59 EDT 2020 | inspiredmorris20
thanks Stephen!! I'm testing for voltage and have found 24v going through the E-stop to the main switch. If i trip the E-stop i can disengage the main switch. I have no more control to the hardware then that. The software is not throwing any code ot
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 15:24:15 EDT 2005 | zl3vlf
Hello to all! Our Fuji FIP-3 placement machine has come up with a servo alarm (X2-axis) whenever we try to run the machine. The manuals don't go into a lot of detail as to the cause of this problem, but there is plenty of information on what the X2
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 04 11:36:42 EDT 2020 | inspiredmorris20
!!UPDATE!! We have found the issue, power supply #3 was bad. The PSU was not sending 24v to the emergency system which is normally a closed circuit. Being that the emergency system was not getting the 24v it assumed the e-stop had been depressed. T
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 04 13:25:25 EDT 2020 | bukas
great to hear you solved it :)
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 06:15:09 EDT 2020 | bukas
do you get error when software loads or when you run program? once i had MPU stop because there was skipped array in my step file
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 07:06:20 EDT 2020 | bukas
did you try to unslot all computer boards (both PC and machine)and put them back? sometimes they loose contact and make wacky errors...
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 12:01:14 EDT 2020 | inspiredmorris20
Thank you bukas, I have not tried to unslot the computer boards. Are you referring to unplug the hardware connections to each circuit board and reconnect them? Thanks again for the reply!!!
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 13:31:09 EDT 2020 | bukas
when something like this happens I usually do a connector and PCB slot cleaning. apply contact cleaner and plug/unplug (slot/unslot) connector (PCB) few times then blow it out dry. do it for each PCB and connector.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 01:32:38 EDT 2020 | jmelson
Oh, well, there's your problem! Either there's a short or the power supplies have gone bad. Jon