Electronics Forum: takaya 9401 (Page 1 of 1)

Takaya 9401

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 16 07:59:27 EST 2008 | daveee

I'm looking to find Maintenance and troubleshooting training on the Takaya 9401. We have been using Texmac for service but their prices are outrageous. Anyone know where to get the calibration test board for this unit? Thanks.

Alternative to tecnomatix test expert for a takaya flyingprobe

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 07:19:24 EST 2011 | billo

Are there any good alternatives to technomatix test expert. We are using a Takaya APT9401 flyingprobe. We are looking for at least the same software strenght for at whatever price.

Alternative to tecnomatix test expert for a takaya flyingprobe

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 06:15:07 EST 2012 | dean_aster

Are there any good alternatives to technomatix > test expert. We are using a Takaya APT9401 > flyingprobe. We are looking for at least the > same software strenght for at whatever price. There are loads of alternatives, some are better than oth


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