Electronics Forum: tal (Page 1 of 15)

TAL during reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 13:43:54 EST 2006 | pjc

You will begin to de-wet at a high TAL and actually likely see all of the conditions you list.

Time above liquidus

Electronics Forum | Fri May 25 13:38:15 EDT 2007 | mfgengr

TAL Too Long - dull solder joints, dewetting. TAL Too Short - cold solder, insufficient wetting. You want TAL to be as short as possible (but not lower than 30 seconds), but long enough for every solder joint to be above TAL for at least 30 seconds.

Time above liquidus

Electronics Forum | Fri May 18 12:09:20 EDT 2007 | ed_faranda

I have been TAL around 45 to 90 seconds. I prefer the longer TAL so, I set my profiles around 80 seconds. In the old days (Before RoSH), the longer times would help with wetting. But, since Lead-Free, well. We all know the story about wetting now

2 Hot 2 Handle

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 27 09:56:36 EST 2012 | swag

100 sec.). If I keep TAL closer to where I like it to be, peaks are all low; around 200C to 205C. If I can't find a happy medium between TAL and PEAK, what should I consider doing?

Incomplete reflow

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 05 21:51:42 EDT 2014 | garym4569

The 237*C is under the inductor with aTAL of 48s. I worked on the profiles this morning an got the max temp up a few degrees and the TAL to 62s. I will check the body temp of the Elec caps. The rest of the board has a max temp of 247. Thanks Gm

Reflow soldering issues

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 11 23:18:44 EST 2007 | M.Haris

1. If I go to the Pb-free solder paste, is it necessary that I have to change my reflow oven OR just by changing with respect to solder paste specification, I can reach my goal? 2. What is the �Low- Temperature Phase� in any solder paste alloy? 3.W

Time above liquidus

Electronics Forum | Thu May 10 08:05:22 EDT 2007 | pjc

30 to 90 seconds TAL is typical.

Reflow for the first time

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 12:31:39 EDT 2017 | slthomas

Your fixture is pulling too much heat from the assembly. I'd push the TAL to closer to 90.

LGA voiding

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 10 14:37:02 EST 2020 | emeto

Zack, would you recommend longer TAL or higher peak temp or both together?

What are the possible causes why BGA would dislodge from the PCB

Electronics Forum | Wed May 02 10:45:24 EDT 2007 | bartlozie

I agree with Bob, Do you have a long TAL, ENIG needs a longer TAL then other boards, on the side of this, Latest year there are a lot of bad Au plated boards, we had 3 batch of bad plated boards in the last year. indeed maybe the problem isn't the

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