Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 07:19:24 EST 2011 | billo
Are there any good alternatives to technomatix test expert. We are using a Takaya APT9401 flyingprobe. We are looking for at least the same software strenght for at whatever price.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 24 03:12:14 EST 2011 | jlawson
Mentor Graphics - vPlan with optional CAMCAD DFT tools might have something....chat to Mentor on this.. CAMCAD supports DFT Functions and exports to Takaya I think
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 06:15:07 EST 2012 | dean_aster
Are there any good alternatives to technomatix > test expert. We are using a Takaya APT9401 > flyingprobe. We are looking for at least the > same software strenght for at whatever price. There are loads of alternatives, some are better than oth
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 29 05:47:00 EST 2004 | srajan
Check out Tecnomatix product for WIP tracking of PCBs at http://www.tecnomatix.com Tecnomatix is the parent company of Unicam.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 28 17:07:03 EDT 2004 | dmeister
Hi, Would anyone know how to mirror centroid data in Tecnomatix "Assembly Expert". Hope you can help dm
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 02 17:40:22 EDT 2004 | russ
Don't know anything about tecnomatix but shouldn't you be able to change either the X or the Y by multiplying X -1? that should mirror the data for you. Russ
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 12 19:25:29 EST 2001 | Brian W
Fabmaster is Unicam is Tecnomatix now. Tecnomatix bought both Unicam and Fabmaster in the past couple of years. Their software is good. You can also try Cimbridge from GENRAD, CircuitCam. Valor has a very good DFM module. Each one has pros and c
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 04:50:02 EDT 2004 | Base
Try Tecnomatix, Aegis and maybe Valor. They all (say they) have interfaces to the equipment vendor's optimizers.
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 19:35:41 EDT 2001 | KBerry
You could try an off the shelf solution such as Tecnomatix-Unicam's Quality System. I believe they allready offer this functionality plus many other features that you may find interesting. KB
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 23 07:42:47 EST 2004 | Alan
I was highly debating the purchase of Tecnomatix (Assembly Expert) software. However, went with Circuitcam for a few reasons. Call me at 248-994-3012 if you want details.
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