Electronics Forum: temp and chiller (Page 1 of 13)

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 02 08:06:11 EDT 2008 | pcbbuilders

Is there a limit to the time that most components can stay at temperatures around 130-200 deg c? if i slow the time, the first 4 zones will be at this temp for about 5 minutes in no lead process. i am concerned that some chips wont be rated at this t

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 28 14:30:22 EDT 2008 | grics

Take a look at this. Remember, these are only guidlines and can not replace any paste specs. As Real Chunks said, a profiler will be of HUGE help. We use this to determine what our top side temps are and to see if we have any problems with heat sen

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 09:30:16 EDT 2008 | grics

If you have concerns, you can look at the datasheet for each component or contact one of their application or materials engineers and find out what the components are rated for...process-wise. IE, how long can I be in the oven with this part, at what

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 28 16:48:54 EDT 2008 | pcbbuilders

my oven has a built in profiler, it works fairly well, but it can not predict changes. my main concern was about the time right before reflow. i know that's where the flux is activated and i was worried that i may be spending too much time at the tem

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 28 11:31:42 EDT 2008 | blnorman

Ideal situation is get a technical rep from the solder paste supplier. They know their paste better, and should be able to work out a profile based on their paste and your oven. Again, a technical rep, not the sales guy.

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 28 13:21:50 EDT 2008 | realchunks

Do you have a Slim-Kic? You can run a profile and then do predictions from there. Very useful tool.

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 28 14:01:05 EDT 2008 | pcbbuilders

thanks, looks like an interesting product. any idea of the cost? they don't list it on their site. not sure if i can afford it yet.

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 29 10:46:17 EDT 2008 | realchunks

Oh, well if you can profile, model your profile to the profile supplied by the paste manufacturer. Anything outside of their recommended profile is all experimantal.

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 29 10:53:58 EDT 2008 | pcbbuilders

Some profiles can be difficult to get exactly, so I was wondering what effect a slight deviation might have.

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 29 14:20:03 EDT 2008 | realchunks

Slight variations should have little impact on your product under normal conditions. All depends on your board.

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