Electronics Forum: test and black and pad (Page 1 of 5)

black and grey pad

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 06 05:33:47 EDT 2001 | spchua

I had recently encounter the "black and grey" pads problems for the BGA pad after the convection re-flow. The pads shows in in "black and grey" color and a litter solder in it, and it happen in ramdom, when applied heat and solder on the "black and g

black and grey pad

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 06 08:42:21 EDT 2001 | davef

Please give us additional background on your board, solder, process, etc. If you are talking about black pad in ENIG solderability preservative, check the fine SMTnet archives to get started.

Weak joint strength and black residue

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 08 17:22:51 EDT 2007 | naynayno

We have been producing an IMS assembly with SMT dpak's for some time. However, we recently encountered a new problem by chance - the parts can be flicked off with a finger nail. I state by chance because the solder joints are wetted and shiny with

force between the pad and laminate material

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 17 13:45:29 EDT 2002 | genny

When the pad comes off, is it leaving behind a "black" area? Your board may be suffering from black pad - a condition that occasionally affects ENIG finish boards. It is a process control issue with your board fabricator. The nickel is oxidising b

force between the pad and laminate material

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 20 04:49:34 EDT 2002 | scottxiao

according to the ressult of cross-section and removing the component, I find there is no black area in the left pad, and the IMC is also normal, so the black nickle is less impossible. the PCB material is not common FR4, just some thing like ceramic,

force between the pad and laminate material

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 08:13:29 EDT 2002 | davef

Don't sound proper. There is no specification. Pad peel strength test methods are: * IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.21 for multiple solderings * IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.8 for copper peel with a Instron machine. Typical requirement for Cu is: 6 lbf/in [1

force between the pad and laminate material

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 11 22:06:06 EDT 2002 | scottxiao

I encounter the problem, it is easy for pad(copper) to drop off from the PCB, which is Ni/Au finish. so my question is whether there is any specification about the force between pad and laminate material, and does the PCB corpoartion test this parame

OSP and getting full pad wetting??

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 17 13:37:11 EDT 2014 | anvil1021

Hello All....we have several hundred PCBs that we need to run with a no-clean solder process and the surface finish is OSP. Our preliminary testing has found that the solder will not wet the entire pad even if the pad is over printed? We have contact

Component pad design and volume requirements

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 15 14:35:41 EST 2000 | Balas

hi I am designing a test vehicle with a range of components on it(pbga, cbga,fc, mbga, and qfps). My concern is that I would like to use a single stencil for solder deposition and not a stepped stencil. That would require me to have aperture design a

Automatic Optical Inspection in production -Which test and where

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 01 04:49:59 EST 2003 | testing

Hi, We currently have several AOIs on our production/test line which I feel as an engineer, are not being used to their true potential. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can improve their use i.e SPC, Placement in the production line etc since we

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