Electronics Forum: test handlers (Page 1 of 1)

Test Handler for Memory Modules

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 11 06:10:07 EDT 1999 | Steve

Hello everyone, I am currently looking for a test handler for memory module applications. The one I have seen stacks the modules on top of each other. I am worried that this contact may damage the capacitors on the modules. Does anyone have any exper

tape labelling

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 23 10:51:09 EDT 2008 | ap

has anyone come across labelling of SMT carrier tapes? we test devices in a automated handler, but get some customers asking if we can apply numbered labels to the tape to identify the device, ie one label per device. This seems a bit crazy as the s

In-Circuit Automation

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 12:43:01 EST 1999 | Rich Cary

My company produces a mixed technology control unit for automotive applications. We recently purchased an automated handler for our GENRAD in-circuit testing equipment and have encountered a challenge. We have several through hole components that,

Placement Program Tweaking

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 02 11:23:52 EST 2001 | dougt

Here's my 2 cents....... I worked for a small company that manufactures pick and place machines and had the task of testing/troubleshooting and the dreaded calibration. These machines used vision for part orentation and have what I considered aweso


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