Electronics Forum: thru and hole and spacers (Page 1 of 3)

Adapter between SMT and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Sat May 24 03:32:24 EDT 2003 | Benny

Hi Is there any adapter that adapts between SMT and thru hole ?

Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 22:13:15 EDT 1998 | Pat Copeland

R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the board. They are adding a 16 pin IC Gull wing. on the bottom side of the board. I have asked for only caps and resistors to be placed on the bottom side. Is there a recommende

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 07 09:43:11 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis

There are some guidlines on design and through hole reflow on my web site to download. Also on pin in hole reflow the SMTA Office has a document on using the tecnology. | R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the bo

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 10:19:43 EDT 1998 | Jerry

We have no problems but orientation does matter. Orient with longest side of component body perpendicuar to wave. In other words the same preference as with through hole DIPS. Idea is the same as for through hole, that the surface tension will ten

Adapter between SMT and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Sat May 24 07:21:51 EDT 2003 | davef

Try: * Aries 908.996.6841 * Antona 310.473.8995 * Oztech 510.782.2654fax2656 * Emulation Technology 408.982.0660 800.232.7837 fax 0664 emulation.com * Interconnect Systems (BGA/BGA, BGA/QFP, BGA/PGA) 708 Via Alondra Camarillo CA 93012 805.482.2870 fa

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 13:42:08 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the board. They are adding a 16 pin IC Gull wing. on the bottom side of the board. I have asked for only caps and resistors to be placed on the bottom side. Is there a recommen

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 14:35:52 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| | R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the board. They are adding a 16 pin IC Gull wing. on the bottom side of the board. I have asked for only caps and resistors to be placed on the bottom side. Is there a recomm

Clearance between Through hole and chip component

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 11:43:20 EST 2007 | realchunks

Marcin, Think outside the box. If you are glueing the SMT part down, why not have an aperture cut in your stencil (or recut a stencil) between the SMT part and thru-hole. Wave solder hates SMT glue. This will get rid of your solder short problem

what's the difference between a thru vias and a blind via?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 16:41:14 EDT 2004 | Dave

Consider a 6 layer board. The Through via gets drilled from top layer to bottom layer. All 6 layers has the hole drilled in it. A blind via is a via that does not got through the entire 6 layers. It would go from layer 1 to layer 2. or layer 6 to lay

0402's and Gluing.............

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 16 16:41:31 EST 2005 | Mrduckmann2000

Pallets will not work in this case because the wonderful designers put 0402's between the legs and all around the legs of the thru-hole connectors. There are 18 thru-hole connectors on this board and 200 - 0402's around them. The 0603's that are al

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