Electronics Forum: too (Page 1 of 503)

too bent or not too bent...

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 10 08:51:58 EST 1999 | Joe

Hi, Can anyone tell me when are bent leads too bent to be straightened again. I'm thinking about the strength of the lead where it meets the housing will be weakened the further you bend it. thanks.

Re: too bent or not too bent...

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 10 17:08:51 EST 1999 | John Thorup

Tell those leads not to be drinking so much. Anyway... too bent to work in a sequencer or auto insertion machine is a lot less bent than if you're trying to manually stick it into a hole. As far as where the lead exit/enters the body of the compone

Re: too bent or not too bent...

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 10 09:32:04 EST 1999 | Dave F

Joe: It might be tough to generalize about the number of times you can reform a lead before it is weakened beyond the point of reuse, because of different lead materials, thicknesses, amount of bending etc. It might be that "ugliness" is the answer

Solder Joints too Shiny?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 08 11:32:19 EDT 2006 | darburch

Solder joint too shiny, clock wrong color, she's got my chair, radio too loud, can't hear the radio, I'm too hot she's too cold change the A/C.Kindergarten wasn't this petty.OH, wait this is a heath and safety issue, I need the day off with pay. Why

Solder Joints too Shiny?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 07 16:09:31 EDT 2006 | 8-pak o' hot dogs

Old guy ran old fwux! New guy tookamyjwob runs new fwux! Too shiny! No guud!

Solder Joints too Shiny?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 07 15:48:10 EDT 2006 | pr

Gosh, I hope they are still able to locate all the skips and shorts!!!!!

Solder Joints too Shiny?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 08 08:33:17 EDT 2006 | davef

Raybans or diffusers on lights, yer choice.

Solder Joints too Shiny?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 07 14:31:29 EDT 2006 | C.K.

I just converted our waves from an old alcohol-based flux to a new VOC-Free Water-based flux. The results have been startling. However, the ladies at post-wave inspection are complaining that the solder joints are too shiny, and it hurts their eyes

Solder reflow temperatures too high

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 11 16:01:52 EST 2007 | russ

You using lead free BGAS now? What is your rework equipment and process? I am sure we can help you out here with some more detail, you should get the package data sheets for your problem BGAs and determine ball alloy or they may even be CCGA packag

Solder reflow temperatures too high

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 14 12:48:53 EST 2007 | SMTRework

Also, I was beginning to think that the humidity level in the facility was a factor.. but I don't believe that's the case.. as this condition seems to occur regardless of the humidity level.. Equipment being used is as follows.. Metcal BGA 3500

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