Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 22:02:46 EDT 2011 | Gold Phoenix
...sorry,can't help u:(
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 03:58:40 EDT 2019 | artem
Hello, what is the difference between the TP9-2 and the TP11-UFP? The TP11-UFP is larger, can it do something more than the TP9-2 except placing more components?
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 15:03:48 EDT 2011 | sjs2303
Hi Bert, For your second issue, are the tools well lubricated? If not the Midas head can fail to grab the tool and can generate the z motor error. Doing this followed by a base-centre level measurement should resolve your problem. Steve
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 24 16:24:53 EDT 2011 | smdbert
Hello, My name is Bert i'm working by LéTÉ with two mydata smd machines and have sometimes several problems ,most of the problems try to solve it by myself but sometimes the boss also helps and i write the errors in map but first of all 4 questions
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 11:02:41 EDT 2011 | dyoungquist
TP9 machines are good, but old machines. We ran a TP9 for many years. As the machine got older it required more and more maintenance and had more frequent small issues similar to what you are seeing. We only saw 1 of your 4 issues specifically whi
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 20:37:49 EDT 2011 | tech1
the calibration error sounds like it is an electrical verifier issue. Are you testing parts before you place them? It could be that your centering electrodes are worn or dirty, or it could be the ribbon cables from the centering unit. If you are usin
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 12:15:32 EST 2000 | Neil
I am looking for a Mydata users group, one possibly located in the Chicago area. If such a group does not exist, I would be more than happy to help start one. I have an older Mydata TP9 (non-UNIX) machine, with weak (yet expensive) support from the m
Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 09:11:12 EDT 2001 | Grant Petty
Hi, I would agree. We purchased a TP9 just the slow machine, but we were a small company at the time, and it worked fantastic. Almost no maintenance, and it's a dream to changeover. The serivce in Australia is also very good, but that does not appl
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 11:33:31 EST 2004 | Joe Carley
MYDATA offers the best support in the industry. I have two MYDATA machines, TP-11 Hydra and TP-9. They are very flexible, reliable, easy to program and low maintenance. Joe Carley
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 04:06:26 EDT 2019 | artem
Thanks for the info. And what about accuracy of the placement. Are both machines able to handle the same parts or are there any differences like for small components or BGA?