Electronics Forum: tray size 3d (Page 1 of 10)

3d printing Quad feeder rollers

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 06 18:20:01 EST 2017 | sarason

AS wonderful as your experiment in 3D printing is. WOuld you have been better off taking a print feeder roller out of an inkjet , with the right diameter and cutting to size on a dropsaw! Another approach is to find a supplier in the printing indust

Tray size

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 12 11:23:12 EDT 2002 | cabjerk

Hi All; Is there any web site or resource where to get the correct sizes of trays based on any industary standards? Our kit pull has many trays to choose from they don't always get the correct one. The part then comes to the floor and the Fuji pgm

Tray size

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 12 17:10:41 EDT 2002 | davef

Consider: * Finding JEDEC [ http://www.eia.org/jedec/ ] publication that includes matrix trays is: �JEDEC Publication No.95 Registered and Standard Outlines for Solid State and Related Products�. * Contacting tray manufacturers [ie, Peak, Summit, Nep

Tray size

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 12 16:08:51 EDT 2002 | pjc

JEDEC is the std. Go to http://www.jedec.org

Feeder tape size

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 27 15:07:50 EDT 2002 | barryg

Genny, you may want to look at the brds you will be running and identify the various packages. I do not know what a standard package is. Most chip resistor and capacitors, 0402, 0603, 1206, 1210's are on 8mm feeders, but ic's vary quite a bit. Also r

Waffle trays

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 07 09:29:36 EST 2001 | gsmguru

Enter A value of -1 in the Tray pickup X & Tray pickup Y fields. This will disable the automatic empty tray pickup by the machine. I would recommend getting a data sheet on the tray from the component vendor for accurate pocket & tray dimensions. Var

Whats new in 3D AOI?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 22:59:46 EDT 2017 | navworx

Great posting. We're looking at AOI for the first time and are trying to understand the pros/cons of 2D, 2D+, and 3D. M, can you discuss what size parts are too small for the Mirtec MV-3L?

Waffle trays

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 04:25:09 EST 2001 | genglish

Hi, SMTnetters � Does anyone have any information on waffle trays, is there an IPC guideline for the use of these? I am experiencing a universal GSM dumping trays with parts still in the trays and I suspect the tray data will require amending if the

Universal GSM dumping trays with parts still in!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 08 16:00:03 EST 2001 | gsmguru

Enter A value of -1 in the Tray pickup X & Tray pickup Y fields. This will disable the automatic empty tray pickup by the machine. I would recommend getting a data sheet on the tray from the component vendor for accurate pocket & tray dimensions. Var

Re: Dimensions of waffel trays

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 27 21:16:51 EST 2000 | Dave F

Expanding on Dason's suggestion ... 4 Waffle Tray Size 4a www.jedec.org/download/default.htm search for "registered microelectronic carrier". 4b JEDEC Publication 95, under the CO- and CS- standards. 4c Tray manufacturers [ie, Peak, Summit, Nepenthe

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