Electronics Forum: tws 1300 (Page 1 of 1)

Entry-Level PnP + BGA?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 05 10:06:41 EDT 2013 | stevevb

Hello Scotty, As a CM, your first process should be new. We bought a Quadra P&P centric line to build our solid state relay products and loved it so much, we (VB Controls) became a TWS Automation distributor. Recommendation: 2700 semi-automatic s

Chinese Production SMT Machines???

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 08 05:37:43 EST 2018 | spoiltforchoice

Sparkfun users (professional hobbyists?) will have a totally different metric for what is acceptable compared to anyone who is doing this at a proper production level. Where I work I can at least empathise a little with the kind of business you might


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