Electronics Forum: u10 (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Securing Or Staking ECO Jumpers

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 23 20:42:10 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

Boy Chrys, aren't you lucky? Too busy to mess with that stuff huh?...must be nice!! Ya' know, it doesn't say much for the design, or the design-er when you see a bunch of wires on board, but if the person who does the jumper wires is good, and take

DROSS in Wave

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 02 11:35:30 EST 2006 | davef

Best dross remover is to not produce dross. Search the fine SMYnet Archives for previous discussions Dross will not increase signicantly * Another story, that lead-free solders will generate a greater volume of dross than conventional materials, is


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