Electronics Forum: unicam juki (Page 1 of 1)

Juki Syntax

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 16 00:20:37 EST 2002 | Frank

The Juki format is a proprietary binary format. If you are trying to convert centriod data, you can use software bought directly from your local Juki distributer. Or you can purchase Unicam, CircuitCam, or GCPlace from their respected distributors.

Zevatech FM720 offline programming

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 05 02:19:51 EDT 2005 | Frank

Call your local Juki sales rep. The Zevatech machines are really relabelled Juki machines. The Juki software is called EPU and it maintains a database of your part numbers, as well as, assigning feeder locations in optimal positions. Also look int


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