Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 17:35:03 EST 2017 | dilogic
You can register your machine with Universal Instruments for very reasonable fee (I paid ~500$) and get access to their web-based support. Well worth the money. Also, you will be able to order spares, which you will certainly need...
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 23:15:26 EDT 2002 | fastek
If Universal for example decides they want to implement a registration fee to pursade customers from buying used then why have they dropped their shorts from $20,000 to register a GSM in 2000 to $2,000 recently? Guess they were tired of losing custom
Electronics Forum | Tue May 30 10:17:07 EDT 2000 | g cronin
I thought I saw that there is a retro kit required to supply the proper power to the multi pitch feeders from older machines. Check the Universal web site for info on the multi pitch I think that is where I read about it...
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 20 08:42:32 EDT 2009 | voytek
Do you know if I can use Multi Pitch Tape Feeder from GSM2 platform on GSM and GSM1 platform? Thank you,
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 25 23:28:06 EDT 2000 | gary
our equipment is Universal GSM1. we can't afford the price of a 44 mm multi pitch feeder from universal that's why we are planning to settle with the fixed pitch feeder. thanks
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 15 14:38:23 EST 2000 | LC
You can also try calling Universal. I don't know what the situation is like in the States but we can't get the Multi-pitch feeders directly from Hoover-Davis here because of contractual agreement between Hoover-Davis and Universal. LC
Electronics Forum | Mon May 29 02:24:32 EDT 2000 | Dreamsniper
Hi Guys, Has anyone of you ever tried a GSM1 Multi Pitch Feeders with a GSM1 UPS Version 1.3.5 ? I've Inquired with Universal guys and they said that they have not tried this feeders with this old software rev but they said that there shouldn't be a
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 00:41:19 EST 2006 | bigdaddysoy9
Hello SMTnet, I would like to make a power supply for Universal multi pitch feeders so I can index them offline. How much voltage do I need to get to what pins of the connector? Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 09:50:27 EDT 2016 | schmidtv62
I'm looking for any information on the Samsung SM421 regarding BGA placement. We currently have a Universal GSM (circa 2004) GI-14 and we are approaching software limitations on multi-pitch BGAs. Any additional information about the SM421 capabilit
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 08:57:58 EST 2006 | MGC
Hello SMTnet, > > I would like to make a power > supply for Universal multi pitch feeders so I can > index them offline. How much voltage do I need to > get to what pins of the connector? Thanks. http://hoverdavis.com/Products/universal/mpup/uf