Electronics Forum: universal instruments universal gc 60 and gc 120 (Page 1 of 1)

SOD323 and SC90 bounceing parts in final PNP stages.

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 04 01:56:37 EST 2012 | eadthem

What we have had recently is a lot of larger thin (32 thou) thickness boards that have had issues with SC90 diodes bouncing off the pads in the final PNP machine. Our setup, universal instruments GC120 or quad beam 30 spindle lightning heads. This m

Placement on 180 degrees rotated (Mirrored) panel on Universal Instrument equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 11 03:55:50 EDT 2018 | directx995

Hello everyone, I was wondering, we use Universal Instrument equipment (GC60's, AX30-L, GC120). We have constant problems with panels that are 180 degrees rotated. We can fix placement on one side (0 degrees or 180 degrees) but the other side HAVE t

Placement on 180 degrees rotated (Mirrored) panel on Universal Instrument equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 11 11:22:34 EDT 2018 | sarason

To answer your question directly Boardwidth - X = newX for a flipped board. Plus adjustments for your offset if your board is not perfectly symetrical You can try my program PCBSynergy which generates many formats from CAD files, or PCBCSV files. If


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