Electronics Forum: unwetting and metal (Page 1 of 10)

Solder paste height and metal squeegees

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 11:05:23 EDT 2001 | gcs

Just a bullet! My results are, .005" stencil thickness should measure between .0055" - .006" if your pressure is correct, metal blades and snap-off is set up correctly. Do you have aperture reductions at the QFP locations "typicial industry standard

Solder paste height and metal squeegees

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 16:05:17 EDT 2001 | gcs

We always reduce side to side, EXAMPLE: 12 mil width reduced to .010". Do you guys check viscosity ? Also maybe your guys are appling to much pressure on the sqweegee blades.

Solder paste height and metal squeegees

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 08:41:56 EDT 2001 | jimlew

For those of you out there, like myself who are still using 2-d to measure paste ht, I have 2 questions. 1. Typically, what tolerance are you applying to your ht? +- 1 mil, or what? 2. Are you using metal squeegees, and if so, have you found that squ

Solder paste height and metal squeegees

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 15:27:00 EDT 2001 | jimlew

We do some aperture reductions - but it's not the 10% i'm accustomed to. Looks like it should be more than we currently do (I think we do 10% of length, but no width). Don't think we have a slumping problem, and we're not doing snap-off, only contact

Pad and Stencil Design

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 09 17:33:30 EST 2002 | George Verboven

For more info about Metal Stencil Overview. also look at: http://www.tkb-4u.com/articles/printing/metalstenciloverview/metalstenciloverview.php

Granite Surface and ESD

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 28 09:56:36 EST 2005 | n wolford

We have a granite table out on our production floor. We use the table along with metal parallel bars and a height gauge to measure component height. Some of these boards have components on them that may be ESD sensitive. Does anyone have experience w

Lead Free and ICT

Electronics Forum | Tue May 09 18:00:33 EDT 2006 | russ

in all actuality, you are both right. Alpha metals does have the toughest/hardest noclean residue that I have seen. When changing to no-clean FLUX you should run different probes. So back to square one. You're both right so who's gonna win?

solderability and hasl thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 10 12:56:09 EDT 2003 | davef

Intermetallic compounds [IMC]: * Form during the alloying process of some metals. In soldering these are Sn, Ni, Ag, Cu, Au. * Do not accept solder. * Increase in depth in logarithmic proportion to both time and temperature. [So during the solder

Granite Surface and ESD

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 31 23:14:18 EST 2005 | Steve

Russ if your asking me if covering the surface of the granite defeats the purpose then I'm lost. An ionizer is a very good suggestion but they are not inexpensive. If the table is grounded and the metal bars are on a grounded mat, laminate etc. then

solder balls and flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 29 10:14:02 EST 2000 | Robert Hartmann

My company is just getting into the flip chip packaging arena. We are putting in a prototype/small volume wire bond PBGA line. We have some questions with regard to choosing solder balls and cleaning of flux. 1) Is there a formula for the shrink

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