Electronics Forum: ups%20 (Page 1 of 1)

What do you thing about new NXT

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 12 13:40:14 EDT 2004 | Jimmy

We recently went through an evaluation period of an NXT modular setup. We ended up purchasing the 2XM6 setup mainly due to the board length limitation of less than 10 inches for the M3 modules without splitting feeders. The machine has been extremel

Tombstoning issues!!!

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 09 17:39:30 EDT 2008 | diesel_1t

Hi. I know that this is one of the mos common threads here, I have been doing some research, but i didn't find any similar. The main issue is that I have seen tombstoning since two weeks ago, it is more characteristic on 0603 resistors (Stackpole e

Lead free rework of BGA

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 17 09:32:09 EST 2007 | Jeff

Hi, I am having problems reworking a lead free PBGA (23mm x 23mm, 1mm pitch). The board is relatively small (5" X 4" X 0.063"). During the removal stage, a thermocouple was placed at the solder ball level (between the board and underneath of compo


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