Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 20 15:21:10 EDT 2018 | dontfeedphils
Uresolve is the solvent I've used in the past but couldn't remember. Thanks!
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 15 13:03:26 EDT 2018 | davef
What does you urethane coating material supplier say? Urethane coating remover try: * Humiseal 1080 or 1100 * Dynaloy Dynasolve 190 or Uresolve 411 Techspray and Microcare make urethane coating removal products Urethane coating breaks down appr
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 30 20:39:15 EST 1998 | Dave F
| I have a COB device that I need to decapsulate for failure analysis. | | I would like to find out how I can do it using common materials/process that I can easily find. | | Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon. | Trien: Level
1 |