Electronics Forum: user cfg (Page 1 of 1)

GSM2 Universal user name and password

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 16:01:48 EDT 2012 | dilogic

Try this - boot machine to OS/2 and interrupt USOS startup procedure, go to USOS/CONFIG folder and rename PSWDUSER.CFG to something else, in case you will need it. Then copy the attached file and reboot.

Vectra password

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 17 17:28:47 EST 2006 | mrduckmann2000

Adlsmt, We had an issue where an Engineer setuo his own passwords on our machine, he was then laided off and nobody knew the passwords. Electrovert gave us the following passwords to try: Electrovert Wave Solder Logon Id Supervisor Password Pass


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