Electronics Forum: vapor (Page 1 of 47)

Lead vapor

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 15:37:18 EST 2004 | adlsmt

Lead melts at 340C and vaporizes at 1740C (at least someone told me that) 63/37 tin/lead melts at 183C, so does anyone know at what temp the lead will vaporize in this alloy or is it the same 1740C?

Lead vapor

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 20:05:47 EST 2004 | pdeuel

Russ, Thanks for the laugh. Glad to know some of you still have a sence of humor. I also could not figure out the reason for this thread. I will hadzard a guess that melting point of lead with aloy would not be diferant from melting point of lead by

Lead vapor

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 20:26:11 EST 2004 | davef

Alloying lead does not affect its vapor temperature. As you and others mentioned, the vapor temperature is well out of the range of your processing temperatures. Some people concern themselves about potential health hazards of lead by thinking abou

Lead vapor

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 05 09:01:32 EST 2004 | davef


Lead vapor

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 19:30:11 EST 2004 | russ

I don't have a clue, but I am really curious as to the purpose of this thread. Did you have some boards come out of an oven that were vaporized and you are curous how hot they got!! OR are you trying to "go lead free" just kidding. Russ

Lead vapor

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 05 08:28:34 EST 2004 | adlsmt

Thanks Dave. The purpose is to educate our employee's. Although I dont think lead vapor is an issue in our facility, I would like to be able to back it up rather than just say "don't worry about it".

Lead vapor

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 06 21:24:31 EST 2004 | Bryan

Hi, everyone knows that we will soon phase into Lead free process.would it neccessary to waste so much money for such a lead content monitor? Bryan

Lead vapor

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 06 22:21:15 EST 2004 | Ken

We outsource those services. In cases like this I think independent objective analysis is important. We also outsource respirator physicals and fitment certifications.

Lead vapor

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 06 22:49:02 EST 2004 | Bryan

Ken, So your sniffers can deal with not only lead content drosses ,but also other dross like silver etc..if yes,it'll be much neccessary to employ such a sniffer for further analysis. thanks Bryan

Lead vapor

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 06 08:13:28 EST 2004 | davef

We think that's a good idea. We bring in a company that monitors various people in the shop for lead, just like Ken does, once a year as an element of our plant monitoring program. Ken do you run the test yourself? If so, what: * Equipment do you

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