Electronics Forum: wave and qfn (Page 1 of 43)

wave pallets and titanium

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 13:50:03 EST 2007 | wavemasterlarry

I also consult in all matters wave related. i have a degree from Soltec college and am now a CWMT (Certified Wave Master Technocologis). WaveMAsterLarry@yahoo.com

wave pallets and titanium

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 11 12:56:03 EDT 2007 | jsloot

Can anyone give me any information on the longivity of titanium insert wave pallets. What I am looking for is the integrity of thin walls over several hundred cycles and the interface between the insert and the durostone material.

wave pallets and titanium

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 07:58:55 EST 2007 | ksrsr

George, Who do you purchase your wave pallets from. Our vendors has not perfected this attachment yet and I need to get a source. Thanks, KSRSR

wave pallets and titanium

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 13:27:29 EST 2007 | slthomas

Chad's a good guy and also has decent taste in music from what I recall.

wave pallets and titanium

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 13:57:40 EST 2007 | jseagle

WTF is a "Technocologis"?????

wave pallets and titanium

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 14:11:32 EST 2007 | slthomas

Sounds a little like a "condition", dunnit?

wave pallets and titanium

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 16 09:52:44 EST 2007 | scouser9751

My company is manufacturing pallets using titanium

wave pallets and titanium

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 13 18:39:19 EST 2007 | mefloump

I do not know who George uses, but we use Ascentec Engineering for our wave pallets. I have no association with them other than they make an excellent product that we continually go to, to get new fixtures from. They can be contacted at (503) 925-194

wave pallets and titanium

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 17:09:11 EDT 2007 | allwave

HI John, I use wave fixtures with titanium inserts. So far I have not seen any problem with walls about 0.010" thickness and 0.120" tall (or deep depending how you see it)...The Titanium-composite interface is also very strong (as long as you have e

wave pallets and titanium

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 12:11:40 EST 2007 | George

I use Pentagon EMS (503) 924-2747 with Chad Haima. Note: I do not get a penny for referals. I just like the service, super fast, high quality and excellent customer service. I have worked with them for about 4 years. Thanks, George

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