Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 12:20:45 EDT 2007 | jsloot
What kind and what brand of gloves are people using for handling hot wave solder pallets? My operators are going through a pair a week. I need something better. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 20:07:24 EDT 2007 | davef
As sources for heat resistant gloves, try: * National Safety Apparel * Radnor
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 21 10:33:56 EDT 2007 | russ
we use welders gloves with cuffs. there are some other heat gloves out there as well, we like the durability of leather though Russ
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 12:37:10 EDT 2007 | hussman
As long as your operator is grounded, a pair of welders gloves is fine. The leather kind do not build up static and do last a while. If the same pair of gloves is being used for dedrossing the wave, pay special attention to loose fitting gloves. I
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 16 16:35:55 EST 2002 | Jim Ferris
Randy, Steve & all, Can you guys point me in the right direction when it come to using selective wave soldering...I am trying to get in-depth information on the Pro's & Con's of having our supplier use this process for our PWA's. (I can see there ar
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 10 14:10:38 EST 2002 | Randy Villeneuve
Steve, I wave solder most if not all our boards with selective wave pallets. I did not catch if the solder balls were on top of the board or on the bottom but that will make a difference on what to do to get rid of them. Pallets are good and bad. On
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 02 16:01:15 EST 2002 | russ
If you can, attach athermocouple to the locations where you are getting solder balls. A previous product I had showed the same thing and we found that we had inadequate preheat leaving the liquid flux to splatter when it hit the wave. It could aslo
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 02 12:52:40 EST 2002 | slthomas
We're trying a selective soldering pallet for the first time with mixed reviews. Are solder balls a prevalent problem with this process? Most of them seem to correspond with pallet wall locations....is it too much turbulence from the rotary chip wav
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 17 08:38:30 EST 2002 | Randy Villeneuve
Jim, In most cases if you can eliminate a process you will save money. With that in mind, an all surface mount or all through hole design is prefered. There are alternatives to that rule, like hybrid designs that can be pin and paste soldered. It al
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 11 12:52:14 EDT 2002 | slthomas
We have found that using the SPC capability of the profiler's pc software helps us identify oven malfunctions sooner than we would normally find it. The ovens tend to compensate for dieing or dead blowers by cranking the heaters on for longer cycles