Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 08:11:16 EDT 2000 | Michael Bryant
I have included a link to the Bob Willis OnBoard Forum at the bottom of this message. You can always look at any of the past forums by clicking the 'OnBoard Forums' link at the top of every SMTnet page.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 16:24:02 EDT 1999 | JohnW
| Is there public domain information available on standard surface mount package outlines and footprints? | Thanks, | WillyW | Willy, The IPC has a great listing for the std packages and footprints, as do most component manufacturers. I'd start on
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 02 16:48:03 EST 2005 | davef
Try: * SMT-In-Focus SMT Failure Library http://www.smtinfocus.com/smt_failure_list.html * Bob Willis Defect Browser http://www.smtinfo.net/Db/_Bob%20Willis%20Defect%20Browser.html
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 17:38:05 EDT 2000 | armintan
hey Bob, can i request one? thanks.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 17:38:23 EDT 2000 | armintan
hey Bob, can i request one? thanks.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 10:59:59 EDT 1999 | WillyW
Is there public domain information available on standard surface mount package outlines and footprints? Thanks, WillyW
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 09 15:46:12 EDT 2004 | russ
Willy, can you send me a phone number or E-Mail address
Electronics Forum | Thu May 31 01:20:58 EDT 2012 | robertwillis
This is common and not an issue it is just the surface oxide Bob Willis
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 21 06:56:09 EDT 2015 | robertwillis
Think you are talking about tin whiskers and not dendrites which are a different thing? Bob Willis
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 03 17:16:05 EDT 2015 | davef
Our friend Bob Willis talks about intrusive soldering.