Electronics Forum: win2000 (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 27 10:22:27 EST 2003 | johnwtg

We have about 17 4790s and 4791s that use the UCT-50 software to load parts/programs. This software only seems to work under Windows 98. The rest of our plant is running WinNT and will be upgrading to Win2000 soon. Our programmer have dualboot sys

CM602-L software inquiry

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 05 13:37:26 EST 2024 | digitalshovel

I have a Cm602-L and also the PT200 software but unable to install it on a regular windows, i think it need win 2000 professional, does anyone have a latest software? or know how to make PT 200 work with the windows 10? please let me know thanks


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