Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 07:29:03 EDT 2022 | pradeep14
Hi, We are facing the issue with Component orientation(Wrong orientation), during Proto build/NPI time in SMT for 1st board placement. We are not doing 1st board with STICKY board, directly placing the components with Paste board only. Pls suggest, H
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 27 16:36:54 EDT 2008 | wrongway
I have lots of those parts don't go by the arrow it is a vender marking has nothing to do with the polarity go by the belveled edge you can't go wrong
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 20:35:52 EDT 2022 | stephendo
Over simplified generic method. Step 1: make a document with every part shape showing zero orientation. Specify CW or CCW. Step 2: Find every step in the process that does not follow the standardisation and adjust as needed. The best I saw this wor
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 07:48:29 EST 2004 | Mika
We usually program the components in the component database with pin 1 in the lower left corner. Then in the feeder database we set the component orientaion to 270 deg for Tray feeders(turn the tray in the feeder 180 deg) and "tube" feeders. For tape
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 11:56:30 EDT 2006 | CKH
Hi Folk, i encounter some components mounted in the different Orientaion (Wrong Orientation). i am puzzle on this.... All these components come in Tape & Reel form. i can only deduce that the Component Wrong Orientation might come from its origina
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 04:17:21 EDT 2023 | ttheis
Possibly operator reloading rejected parts into tape/feeder in wrong orientation.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 16:05:09 EDT 2006 | davef
Sometimes distributors endup with partial reels of componnts and are not able to sell the quantities of the partial lengths. So, they gather all the odd strips and have a contractor combine into a more attractive length reel for resale.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 03:02:35 EDT 2006 | emeto
CKH, if I understand you correct, only some components(for example 2 from 10 parts in one reel) goes wrong. there is one more. How your machine alignes the components? Vision, laser or mechanicly. The problem can come from there. If the recognition
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 11:10:38 EDT 2000 | Sal
we have just started manufacturing a board which has surface mount components on side 1 and on side 2 all the thro hole components are d type connectors, (loads of them) the chances of these connectors inserted with the wrong orientation is very, ver
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 10:00:08 EDT 2006 | SWAG
I think I read a thread very similar the other day but can't find it. If I remember correctly, the component database for that part was polarized and pre-orientation was used for camera inspection. It turned out that the optimization module in the