Electronics Forum: xray and requirements (Page 1 of 51)

BGA process requirements

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 16 11:13:22 EDT 2002 | gzweig

In response to questions on BGA Process Requirements and X-ray Inspection please request pdf publication : "Rapid and Effective X-ray Inspection of BGA using Siganture Identification" from : gzweig@glenbrooktech.com

BGA process requirements

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 12 08:40:13 EDT 2002 | Alan

Steve, I have done BGA work with and with-out Xray. If you are going to install them in high volume it makes sence to have every thing including rework on site. If you are just going to put down several a week you can probably get away without th

BGA process requirements

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 19 08:01:40 EDT 2002 | jnunns

We have been doing BGAs for about 3 years in house. We started off with an outside contractor and then brought it in. We are doing a variety of sizes from .05 to .03 pitch. We have 2D capability at print, but do not use it on any but the .03 pitch. T

BGA process requirements

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 19 09:41:45 EDT 2002 | angiewest

We have been building BGA's for a couple of years. We even use a Universal Omni 4766 to place them with. Reflowing is where I thought we may have problems, Since we have an IR oven. But we bought a .010" thermocouple from Omega to measure the BGA

BGA process requirements

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 18:47:43 EDT 2002 | slthomas

A couple of questions to establish a baseline for when the check writers start asking questions........ How many of you have vision systems on site for BGA inspection? If you don't have it, do you do 100% X-ray, or did you just nail down the proces

floor and air conditioning, shop floor requirements

Electronics Forum | Tue May 07 07:31:15 EDT 2013 | davef

Pavel You're correct that you should consider the point loading of your placement, wave and other machines. I've put shops above the ground floor of buildings. Equipment suppliers are the best source of information about these requirements. BR, dav

floor and air conditioning, shop floor requirements

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 30 05:05:16 EDT 2013 | pavel_murtishev

Colleagues, Now I am involved into plant ramp-up where 3x Panaconic NPM-W will be installed. New production hall is being designed right now and the problem is that constructors have never met SMT shops and know very few or next to nothing about requ

Component pad design and volume requirements

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 15 14:35:41 EST 2000 | Balas

hi I am designing a test vehicle with a range of components on it(pbga, cbga,fc, mbga, and qfps). My concern is that I would like to use a single stencil for solder deposition and not a stepped stencil. That would require me to have aperture design a

floor and air conditioning, shop floor requirements

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 05:32:39 EDT 2013 | pavel_murtishev

Jim, Thank you for the input. Could you please check your standard filter pore size? A model number would be valuable. How many shop volumes (in cubic meters) do you pump per hour? Customer is seriously thinking over installing AC system similar to

floor and air conditioning, shop floor requirements

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 21:40:40 EDT 2013 | davef

ANSI/J-STD-001: * Temperature and Humidity: 18-30°C, 30-70%RH ** If out of range, shall verify electrostatic discharge control program according to ANSI/ESD S20-20 is adequate. ** For process control, more restrictive temperature and humidity limits

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