Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 02:57:53 EDT 2018 | rob
Yes I would, most of our old Yamaha machines (before 2005) will do 30-35 microns @ 3 sigma with the fine camera option. Our Jukis with His res camera's will hit it too. You should be OK with most things after 1997 with the right camera choice (whic
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 10:16:14 EDT 2007 | davef
Pick and place: * Fuji: The largest pcb size is 20" by 18" for pick and place; 18"x14" for chip shooters. Fuji NP XL series allows 27 by 23 inch boards using a conveyor. * MYDATA has machines that can be configured to 34" X 44" X 0.500" * HSP 4796A a
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