Electronics Forum: zeph (Page 1 of 1)

QFP Removal

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 09:22:09 EST 2004 | bobbyv40

Check out Zephyrtronics, they have a low temp solder system that we use with very good results. http://www.zeph.com/lowmelt.htm Good Luck


Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 13:49:10 EDT 2004 | Paul

You are welcome. I typically just read here and try not to post, but the other post was unfairly negative and seemed to be biased to a single supplier...which I always find suspect. Here are the links to APE and ZEPHYRTRONICS which I hope you find h

Re: Rework induced thermal shock of SMD capacitors

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 03 18:13:58 EST 1998 | David Jacks

Tom: You are right. Pre-heating is just as necessary in rework as it is in intiial production. Zephyrtronics produces an economical convective bottom side pre-heater known as an airbath. This product ramps the substrate and assembly at 2-4 degrees

gpu removal

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 16 18:25:47 EDT 2009 | larob57

(http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=691556) I can make some more pic's for you to see and I will post them in photobucket.Go to my page at this link and then click on my album (http://s1007.photobucket.com/albums/af192/repairman52/)

HOT AIR Bench top

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 17 14:24:21 EST 2011 | vmorina

Hi Hege, Thank you very much for your input. So far I have four hot air from four different companies. ERSA: IR500 or IR550 http://www.ersa.com/index.php?modul=entry&id=346&entry_id=1473⊂_id=346&cont_add=467 Weller: WHA3000PS or VS http://www.te

Preheater for hand soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 21 09:30:05 EST 2013 | tkotwal

Thank you for the advice Hegemon. I agree that there is a wide range of options available. I'm looking for something that can give me some repeatable surface temp control, is easy to work with, and has at least decent build quality. I don't necessari


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