SMT & PCB Assembly Equipment

Siemens ms72-a with feeders and NEW windows GUI with source code.

Siemens ms72-a with feeders and NEW windows GUI with source code.

Siemens ms72-a with feeders and NEW windows GUI with source code.


Siemens ms72-a with feeders and NEW windows GUI with source code.


Pick and Place/Feeders




$ 1500.00


Maryland, USA

Offered by:


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Hires pics and a movie

Ok, I have a Siemens ms72A pick and place machine for sale.
This is a 1990's vintage machine. This machine was originally
controlled by the hp-9000 computer it came with over IEEE488
GPIB bus. Lucky for me, my first job in 1988 was to program one
of these ancient computers - so I was actually able to read and
understand the HP-BASIC code  Un-lucky for me - it was all
in German!

So, I reverse engineered the 488 bus commands, and re-wrote
a pick and place control program in VB6 (Yes, I am a bit of a Dinosaur)
The code is cool - and will allow the user to use board fiducials
to translate and rotate the components to the right spot)
I ended up using this machine to build over 1000+ engine control
units, and then a huge bunch more stuff - but the time has come to part
with it... I am totally out of space.

It is a VERY sturdy machine. It has X,Y,Z - theta, "pincher" and
"extra pincher" DC servo motor axis (six axis total) with encoder
feedback. (The "extra" pinchers are attached to a LCR meter for
the machine to "measure" each component before it put it down!
You wont find that on the $5K Chinese machines!)) Anyway,
I reverse engineered all of the commands to this - and
wrote a GUI to control it that works over USB. (I kind of love this
machine! - but I have to make room for more production space)

Anyway, it has to go - as I am out of room. I have over $3K in
this unit, and another $1K worth of component feeders. I have
$20K in my software development time - but you get that for
free in this deal.. Anyway, it is time to let go..

The person buying this will get my VB SOURCE CODE, my notes
on how the IEE488 commands work, all of the feeders (about 25
"lanes" of feeders) the machine (of course) and the 220 to 380
volt power converter that runs it. It runs on 3 phase AC for no good
reason - the first thing it does is make DC out of the AC - but I

This machine is IDEAL for someone smart who wants to take
what I have done, and do it much better. All of the mechanical stuff
on this unit is from the 80's (When the mechanical stuff was great
because the computers sucked) You could use this setup as-is,
or you could use this as a base - and really make it an awesome
pick and place. (I added 2 cameras to the head, that's what the
"dangling" wires are. My plan was to use OpenCV to do the fine
pitch adjustment automatically - but I never got to it)

Anyway, enough about my hopes and dreams. This unit
is in Silver Spring Maryland, and weighs about 1000Lbs. I can
load it on your rental truck / trailer / UAV ?? whatever for

   If you want to talk to me (voice) call 301-602-0873

This Siemens ms72-a with feeders and NEW windows GUI with source code. has been added in 7 Jul 2014

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