The newest version of the Micro thermal imaging system includes a new thermal imaging camera with greater sensitivity, 16 bit digital Camera Link interface, and a newly designed microscopic lens with 20�m spatial resolution.
Micro is used to detect shorts and defects on semiconductor devices and small circuit boards. It can also measure junction temperature, identify die bonding defects, and measure packaged die thermal resistance.
A Micro system includes several important hardware components that are essential when analyzing or troubleshooting semiconductor devices. The optical mounting table provides a sturdy platform with vibration isolation on which to perform sensitive testing. Precise camera focusing and positioning is accomplished using the vertical focus stage. Areas of interest on a device can be quickly and accurately positioned within the camera�s field-of-view using the XY stage. The thermal stage provides both heating and cooling for precise device temperature control in order to locate short circuits and to compensate for pixel emissivity variations.