Industry News | 2011-05-27 22:28:49.0
Juki Corporation's KE-1070/KE-1080 modular placement systems have greatly exceeded sales forecasts since their release in late 2010.
Industry News | 2012-07-09 09:18:31.0
PRIDE Industries, Inc.,, recently placed a major order with Juki Automation Systems (JAS), Inc. for six modular assembly systems
Industry News | 2012-08-22 11:54:06.0
Juki Automation Systems, announces that Schumacher Electric Corporation has purchased and installed a KE-1080LN High-Speed Flexible Mounter at its plant in Matamoros, Mexico. Schumacher Electric designs and produces electronics assemblies, battery chargers and transformers.
Industry News | 2012-12-10 16:55:56.0
Juki Automation Systems,, announces that NRI Electronics Inc. has acquired a KE-2080EN High-Speed Flexible Mounter and TR-6DER Matrix Tray Changer. The new placement machine and tray changer better enable NRI to provide world-class electronics manufacturing services (EMS) to the defense, aviation, medical, industrial and communications markets from its Anoka, MN plant.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 17:19:51 EDT 2008 | dyoungquist
On 0402s we use 20x25 mil pads with a 15 mil gap between the pads on the pcb with ENIG finish, 5 mil stencil with a 1:1 aperture (20x25 mil) and SAC305 lead free solder paste. We very rarely see any tombstoning on 0402s using this setup.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 15:00:49 EDT 2008 | slthomas
We've found that reverse homeplate reduces tombstoning significantly for us on 0603 and 0402 (the latter of which we hardly ever see).
Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 14:35:37 EDT 2008 | rdmundo
Gents, We've been using a round 1:1 aperture for a 5 mils thickness on our stencil design on 0402 and recently, IPC guidelines recommend oblong, homeplate or reverse homeplate. I believed the PCB pad for 0402's area within the recommended size/dimen
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 12 15:10:00 EDT 2002 | jsherrow
IMHO it's caused by three things: 1) placement 2) placement 3) placement
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 18 05:09:08 EDT 2009 | alfred
I have a solution.... contact me by mail Vapor phase gives a solution to that problem
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 07:55:12 EDT 2009 | davef
TOMBSTONING OF 0402 AND 0201 COMPONENTS: "A STUDY EXAMINING THE EFFECTS OF VARIOUS PROCESS AND DESIGN PARAMETERS ON ULTRA-SMALL PASSIVE DEVICES" Michael Yuen, Heather Benedict, Kris Havlovitz, and Tim Pitsch, Plexus Electronic Assembly Corporation, N