New SMT Equipment: 16mil pitch (1)

Printed Circuit Board Prototype

New Equipment |  

At Present the company is concentrating to meet Quick turn around/prototype and a Pilot Order requirement of :- Double Sided Pth & Multilayer upto 12 layers Printed Circuit Bare Board Material FR � 4 ( Nema � Grade ) with board thickness as per cus

Photozone Electronics

Electronics Forum: 16mil pitch (78)

fine pitch QFP

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 16 09:13:46 EDT 2005 | russ

We use a 5 mil for 16mil pitch QFPs, Make sure that the stencil has been polished. Type 3 paste. We have used lead free no-clean, lead no-clean, and water soluble lead pastes for these packages. We set the printer for a slow stroke .7 in/min. wi

fine pitch QFP

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 16 00:24:29 EDT 2005 | mskler

Hi everybody, Can some body tell me that what stencil thicknes is required for the 16mil QFP. I am getting bridging as well as dry at QFP pins. What type of solder 1. Viscocity 2. mesh size 3. flux contents Should be used for this type

Used SMT Equipment: 16mil pitch (2)

Assembleon Flexible Mounter Topaz

Assembleon Flexible Mounter Topaz

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Tact time: 0.20sec/chip with line array camera Simultaneous pick with 8 heads 0.45 sec/SO with line array camera Simultaneous pick with 4 heads 1.4 sec/QFP with line array camera Sequential pick with 4 heads 3.7 sec/QFP with area CCD camera In fin

Fix Trade BV

Philips Topaz

Philips Topaz

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Tact time: 0.20sec/chip with line array camera Simultaneous pick with 8 heads 0.45 sec/SO with line array camera Simultaneous pick with 4 heads 1.4 sec/QFP with line array camera Sequential pick with 4 heads 3.7 sec/QFP with area CCD camera In fin

Fix Trade BV

Industry News: 16mil pitch (1)

ESSEMTEC to Highlight Key Products and Technologies at APEX 2009

Industry News | 2009-03-27 09:58:30.0

Essemtec announces that it will feature its innovative products in booth 243 at the upcoming APEX 2009 exhibition and conference, scheduled to take place March 31-April 2, 2009, in Las Vegas. These machines will be offered at Special Show Pricing, so be sure to stop by the booth.


Career Center - Resumes: 16mil pitch (1)


Career Center | Derabassi, India | Maintenance,Management,Production,Quality Control,Sales/Marketing

PCB Assembly (SMT & PTH)--Process/Planning – Production – Maintenance/Troubleshooting – QA/QC

Express Newsletter: 16mil pitch (162)

16mil pitch searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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