New SMT Equipment: 20-3 (43)

ESD Plastic Corner Guard

ESD Plastic Corner Guard

New Equipment | ESD Control Supplies

ESD Plastic Corner Guard / L type Model 031111 031515 033535 033540 034646    035747 036050 Dimension/mm: 11*11 15*15

Plastlist Group

SMT/BGA Rework<br>Chipper SMD-500

SMT/BGA Rework
Chipper SMD-500

New Equipment |  

An affordable, totally integrated system for SMT rework and repair, the Chipper SMD-500 is an excellent choice in replacing older "Contact" rework tools with the latest Low Temperature Hot Air technology for reworking SMT components without damage, a


Electronics Forum: 20-3 (7)

should gold pads be pretinned, what issues are known are there?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 15:13:17 EDT 2002 | davef

Effects of Gold (Au) on Solder Properties Concentration Range in Weight Percentage w/o Au in Sn63/Pb37 Solder [A Sugarman/Loranger] * 2.0 - 3.0% Spreadability and fluidity of solder reduced (1) * 3.0% Highest acceptable concentration of Au in solder

Chipmounter Placement Speed

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 21:30:24 EDT 2004 | peter016

I would like to know what are the achievable chip placement per hour for the following chipmounter models. 1. Siemens HS50 (Spec at 50,000 chips per hour) 2. Siemens Siplace S20 3. Fuji CP 642 4. Sanyo TCM1050 5. Universal HSP4975(re-badge of TCM3000

Used SMT Equipment: 20-3 (14)

Assembleon AX 201

Assembleon AX 201

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Assembleon AX-201 Pick & Place Date of Manufacture: 2008 Details: Windows XP Operating System Min. Board Size: 2" x 2" Max Board Length:  20.3" Board Thickness: 0.24" Touch Screen

Lewis & Clark

Fuji NA20-3F2-G23 MOTOR

Used SMT Equipment | Adhesive Dispensers

There spot,price offers, If you need,please contact Miss Wang! 13592704317/13070902876

TekSun Technology (HongKong)Co.,Ltd.

Industry News: 20-3 (4)

Count On Tools Inc. Releases Interchangeable Cup Nozzles for Universal Equipment

Industry News | 2012-04-27 15:25:26.0

Count On Tools Inc., a leading provider of precision components and SMT spare parts, has released a series of interchangeable cup nozzles for Universal Instruments’ Flexjet 2/3/Inline 7 (7 Spindle) equipment.

Count On Tools, Inc.

IPC Releases PCB Industry Results for October 2010

Industry News | 2010-11-24 16:07:18.0

IPC announced today the October findings from its monthly North American Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Statistical Program.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Parts & Supplies: 20-3 (117)

Videos: 20-3 (100)

Siemens part 00345183


03018616S01 Koplan optoNCDT ILD 2200-3 03018629-01 AIR FILTER HOUSING 03018635-01 COOLING AIR FILTER 03018637S02 COMPONENT-CAMERA C+P(Type29) 27x27 digital 03018820S01 BOLT/COVER STRIP DISPOSAL X24 03018844S01 BOLT/COVER STRIP DISPOSAL X32 0301

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd



03017760-01 OIL Interflon Fin Super     03017820-01 Track ruler, pitch 11.8 / X feeder     03017836-01 VISION BOARD DIGITAL COMPLETE     03018025-01 HS60-D Trailing cable gantry 1 u. 3     03018026-01 HS-D Trailing cable gantry 2 a. 4     030186

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Career Center - Resumes: 20-3 (2)

SMT Maintenance Technician

Career Center | Chennai, India | Maintenance

Willing to learn

SMT process engineer

Career Center | kanchipuram, Tamilnadu India | Engineering,Maintenance,Research and Development,Technical Support

Experiences : Solectron (Ems) India Ltd. Yalahanka New town, Bangalore, India Duration: AUG 2007 to Sep 2009   Designation:  Process Technician (SMT) NOKIA India Pvt Ltd  Sipcot Industrial area, Sriperambadur, Chennai, Duration: Sep 2009 to

Express Newsletter: 20-3 (1)

Partner Websites: 20-3 (31586)

682846 - Sprocket ASSY 20 tooth 3/8 pitch

Heller Industries Inc. |

682846 - Sprocket ASSY 20 tooth 3/8 pitch Phone 1-973-377-6800 Company About News Events New Equipment Convection Reflow Ovens Reflow Oven MK7 -New

Heller Industries Inc.

HOTFLOW 3/20-ERSA-Suzhou Feierte electronic co.,ltd-welcome to KD Electronic

KD Electronics Ltd. |

HOTFLOW 3/20-ERSA-Suzhou Feierte electronic co.,ltd-welcome to KD Electronic Categories HOME ABOUT US SURFACE MOUNT SYSTEM ASM EQUIPMENT Equipment Accessories OTHER EQP KEYSIGHT EUIPMENT Equipment Accessories DEK Foresite ERSA Scheugenpflug

KD Electronics Ltd.

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PCB Handling Machine with CE

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Blackfox IPC Training & Certification

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