Electronics Forum: 206-223 (9)

Re: Wierd Tombstoning on Tant Caps

Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 12:07:58 EDT 1998 | ETS, LLC

As an employee of a Reflow Oven Manufacturer I can only make suggestions on the oven portion of your process: As I was reading through your posting I started wondering if you are using a convection or IR based oven. If you are using Convection I woul

Wierd Tombstoning on Tant Caps

Electronics Forum | Fri May 01 14:00:59 EDT 1998 | Chrys

I've never seen this before. Today, I got this tombstoning on Tantalum Capacitors (Okay, I saw that before) Here's the part that seems weird to me: -They didn't tombstone onto a termination - they went onto their sides! That's right, both terminati

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