Electronics Forum: 20units and lw25a (4)

Re: BGAs and vapor phase

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 11:11:18 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| Perhaps a little hard to find but is there anyone who uses a vapor phase process to solder populated card with BGAs. I am interested in the success rate of such a process. It is obvious that the throughput is reduce vs a convection oven but still t

Re: BGAs and vapor phase

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 11:50:47 EDT 1999 | Mario

| | Hi, SMTASSY | | that�s what we do, soldering our double-sided-finepitch-BGA-and all-the-other-stuff-boards in vapourphase because it�s the only thing we have. | First, we do not do real series produktion, only prototyping up to sometimes 20 uni

Parts & Supplies: 20units and lw25a (3)

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