Industry Directory: 25000 smart stable (8)

Shenzhen Dez Smart Technology Co., Ltd

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Dez Smart Tech specializes in SMT optional equipments. We offer selective soldering machine, cleaning machine(stencil, printing screen, nozzle, squeegee, condenser, fixture & jigs), reballing and BGA rework station

Shenzhen CY Industry Automation Equipment Co.,Ltd

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

We're CY Industry located in China focusing on SMT Equipment & Automation machinery. Our current product line can enrich your's capability, also the continuing support & upgrades could be the helping hand you need!

New SMT Equipment: 25000 smart stable (26)

High Precision Dispenser - MAX II (Heated Dispenser)

High Precision Dispenser - MAX II (Heated Dispenser)

New Equipment | Dispensing

Precision Dispensing System for Heated Dispense Applications The GPD Global MAX II is a compact; high-accuracy system designed for today’s advanced heated dispensing applications. The frame is molded from “liquid rock” which gives the system a stabl

GPD Global

ASM DEK TQ SMT Stencil Printer

ASM DEK TQ SMT Stencil Printer

New Equipment | Pick & Place

2,0 Cpk @ ±17,5 μmDemision:1300mm×1000mm×1600mmProduct description: ASM DEK TQ SMT Stencil Printer, Max PCB: 400x400 mm, Core cycle time:5 secs, Demision:1300mm×1000mm×1600mm, Wet print capability > 2,0 Cpk @ ±17,5 μm   ASM DEK TQ SMT Stencil Prin

Qersa Technology Co.,ltd

Electronics Forum: 25000 smart stable (2)

UPS on a pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 05 09:12:34 EDT 2003 | caldon

All of our PNP machine run on UPS back up. Though our machine controller is Dos and failry stable it is integrated with Windows NT who does not like to be prematurley shut down. We get a window of about 4 hours from the UPS. Remember this is just o

Stencil Cleaner

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 26 21:02:48 EST 2002 | Mike Konrad

There are two basic technologies to choose from: 1. Ultrasonic 2. Spray-in-air Makers of ultrasonic stencils include: Aqueous Technologies (that�s us): PMR: JNJ Industries:

Used SMT Equipment: 25000 smart stable (15)

Samsung SM482 high speed chip mounter parameters

Samsung SM482 high speed chip mounter parameters

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

Product Name: Samsung SM482 Product number: Samsung SM482 Detailed product introduction Samsung SM482 high speed chip mounter parameters 25000 CPH (Optimum) 2 x Spindle/Head 10 Gantry The corresponding components: 0603 ~ - 14mm (H 12mm) Corres


Samsung SM482 high speed chip mounter parameters

Samsung SM482 high speed chip mounter parameters

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

Product Name: Samsung SM482 Product number: Samsung SM482 Detailed product introduction Samsung SM482 high speed chip mounter parameters 25000 CPH (Optimum) 2 x Spindle/Head 10 Gantry The corresponding components: 0603 ~ - 14mm (H 12mm) Corres


Industry News: 25000 smart stable (86)

New Dispensing & Conformal Coating Products - Live Demo - Booth 2933, APEX San Diego

Industry News | 2017-01-26 19:53:00.0

GPD Global will exhibit in Booth 2933 at the upcoming IPC APEX EXPO 2017 scheduled to take place February14-16, San Diego Convention Center. GPD Global will officially launch its new, fully automated dispense platform, Hyperion, and a new, low cost conformal coating system.

GPD Global

JUKI Debuts RP-1, Industry’s First Solder Paste Printer with Unique “Motion Screen” Mechanism

Industry News | 2014-01-27 15:41:51.0

JUKI introduces its new solder paste printer RP-1 with improved accuracy and productivity of PWB solder printing, excellent for high-density packaging of downsizing electronic devices.

Juki Automation Systems

Videos: 25000 smart stable (76)

MAX II - Heated.  Underfill with Jetting Pump NCM5000

MAX II - Heated. Underfill with Jetting Pump NCM5000


Precision Dispensing System for Heated Dispense Applications The GPD Global MAX II is a compact; high-accuracy system designed for today’s advanced heated dispensing applications. The frame is molded from “liquid rock” which gives the system a stabl

GPD Global

loose component former, loose component trimmer,loose axial lead former,loose axial lead trimmer,axial lead former

loose component former, loose component trimmer,loose axial lead former,loose axial lead trimmer,axial lead former

Videos Cut and bend machine for taped axial components. axial component lead former be often used the axial resistance and diode. This is the motorized type former, you can use this axial lead f

ASCEN Technology

Career Center - Resumes: 25000 smart stable (1)

smt technicina

Career Center | chennai, India | Engineering,Maintenance

Nokia India Pvt LTD.       Sriperumpudur – Board Assembler Maintenance Technician  from Sep 2009 to till now. Machines Handled  Pick & Place     : FUJI NXT Machines  FUJI NXT - M3 II ,M3S.  Reflow oven: Hot flow 3/20, 2/14.  Stencil Pr

Express Newsletter: 25000 smart stable (163)

Partner Websites: 25000 smart stable (470)

LED Solder paste printer-PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating machine,PCB rou

ASCEN Technology |

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ASCEN Technology

DEK TQ printing platform-DEK-Suzhou Feierte electronic co.,ltd-welcome to KD Electronic

KD Electronics Ltd. |

. New drives, off-belt printing and innovative clamping systems deliver unprecedented accuracy and an exceptionally stable printing process

KD Electronics Ltd.

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Software for SMT

High Precision Fluid Dispensers

Wave Soldering 101 Training Course
Thermal Interface Material Dispensing

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
Fully Automatic BGA Rework Station

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