New SMT Equipment: 2h and la306 and 2h and 20in and 2h and reflow (1)

long wave infrared reflow and curing ovens

New Equipment |  

IC'S, Hybrids SMT Silver glass curing BGA reflow Gold/tin reflow Package sealing with N2H2


Used SMT Equipment: 2h and la306 and 2h and 20in and 2h and reflow (1)

Fuji AIM Pick and Place Packag

Fuji AIM Pick and Place Packag

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Fuji AIm P&P Pacakge with 400+ Feeders, Vitronics Soltec XPM3-1030 Reflow Oven, Asys Conveyors! Make: Fuji Model: AIM Quantity: Three SW: V5.BZA Single lane Machine 1 Vintage: 2006 Heads: 4 @ H12’s, (4) Feeder Trollies Hours: 32

Lewis & Clark

Industry News: 2h and la306 and 2h and 20in and 2h and reflow (2)

TORCH vacuum reflow oven appears in China international information and communication exhibition

Industry News | 2019-12-16 22:38:22.0

With a history of more than 28 years since 1990, icict has been committed to building the most influential and innovative ICT platform, providing comprehensive services, communication and cooperation opportunities, including policy interpretation, technology research and development, market application and financial investment, for the ICT industry chain.

Beijing Technology Company

New Line of Inductors Offers Lead Free Option for Automotive and Industrial Control Applications

Industry News | 2004-11-19 16:12:06.0

St. Charles, IL November 1, 2004 - Perllo Technologies LLC and ECM Electronics Ltd. announce the release of the new environmentally friendly ECxxC series of lead-free power inductors for introduction into the North American Automotive Market.

Perllo Technologies

Express Newsletter: 2h and la306 and 2h and 20in and 2h and reflow (879)

SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 1 - from

Featured Article Return to Front Page REFLOW SOLDERING

SMT Express, Issue No. 3 - from

that has fully reflowed is very square to the board

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