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Electronics Forum: 2hand corporation 2hand zscanner 2hand 2000 (10)

Re: IR Versus Hot Air - Put-Up Your Dukes

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 20:57:13 EDT 1999 | Dean

| Jackie's posting recently and responses to it got me to dondering. First, recollecting, we bought an IR rework station a couple million years ago. It had a IR source on a stand, a bunch of lenses, and Reynolds aluminum foil for shielding near-by

Re: IR Versus Hot Air - Put-Up Your Dukes

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 23:58:01 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Jackie's posting recently and responses to it got me to dondering. First, recollecting, we bought an IR rework station a couple million years ago. It had a IR source on a stand, a bunch of lenses, and Reynolds aluminum foil for shielding near-b

Express Newsletter: 2hand corporation 2hand zscanner 2hand 2000 (701)

SMTnet Express - February 9, 2017

SMTnet Express, February 9, 2017, Subscribers: 30,132, Companies: 15,113, Users: 41,841 Can Age and Storage Conditions Affect the SIR Performance of a No-Clean Solder Paste Flux Residue? Eric Bastow; Indium Corporation The SMT assembly world

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UNISOFT Corporation
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