Parts & Supplies: 46088103 (5)

Universal Instruments GSM Multi Pitch Feeder 16mm

Universal Instruments GSM Multi Pitch Feeder 16mm

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

GSM Multi Pitch Feeder 16mm 47175802 we also supply other Universal accessories (GSM): part no description 46485701 CAMERA(PEC) 45269201 PC BD,PEC ILLUM ASSY 47598301 FLEXJET CLUTCH (OLD) 50121203 FLEXJET MirrorCLUTCH(NEW) 47509501 THETA ENCOD

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Universal Instruments SMT spare parts for UIC GSM

Universal Instruments SMT spare parts for UIC GSM

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Part Name P/N TRACK FEEDER BASE LCD 45711101 MAGELLAN 2.3 MPP CAMERA A 49400003 AMP; PROGRAMMED SERVO 49706302 PCBD; CPU (6241 F) 48797301 KIT, ENCODER REPLACEMENT (with 50643902) 50644902 ENCODER, ROTARY, INLINE 4 50643902

Goodluck Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd

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