Electronics Forum: 500smd (1)


Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 05 15:06:53 EST 2002 | cbudzinski

HI can anyone tell me if they ask there board houses to hold to a max amount of contamination NaCl per sq /in on there incomming bare boards, I have a Ionograph 500SMD and have been testing some of the bare boards comming in to stock, some are much

Used SMT Equipment: 500smd (2)

Assembleon Opal Xii

Assembleon Opal Xii

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Assembleon Opal Xii High Speed Flexible SMT pick and place machine • July 24, 2006  Type: PA131403    S/N M62099    • Excellent / Fully Operational, Production Ready, Head rebuilt by Trans-Tec January ‘17        • 24 Feeders -  10 Black (8x4mm) &

GMA Manufacturing LLC

Assembleon Opal Xii

Assembleon Opal Xii

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Assembleon Opal Xii High Speed Flexible SMT pick and place machine • February 07, 2008  Type: PA131403    S/N M62679    • Excellent / Fully Operational, Production Ready, Head rebuilt by Trans-Tec January ‘17        • 24 Feeders -  9 Black (8x4mm

GMA Manufacturing LLC

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