Electronics Forum: 6241b vcd chain problem (3)

6241B VCD Insertion Machine Problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 11:00:36 EDT 1998 | Francisco Becerra

I have a problem with the insertion tooling of a 6241B VCD Insertion Machine. I must replace most of the parts of the insertion head but the screws of the Rails has the socket head damage, so it is not possible using the Allen Tool. I am looking for

6241B VCD Insertion Machine Problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 10:59:59 EDT 1998 | Francisco Becerra

I have a problem with the insertion tooling of a 6241B VCD Insertion Machine. I must replace most of the parts of the insertion head but the screws of the Rails has the socket head damage, so it is not possible using the Allen Tool. I am looking for

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